Source code for gillespy.gillespy

Code based off StochSS internal interface to StochKit, originally by 
A. Hellander. Stand-alone GillesPy module work by J. Abel and B. Drawert.

Version 1.0 on github as of 8-7-2015.

# import 3rd party modules
from collections import OrderedDict
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tempfile
import uuid
import subprocess

    import lxml.etree as etree
    no_pretty_print = False
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
    import xml.dom.minidom
    import re
    no_pretty_print = True

    import as spio
    isSCIPY = True

import os
import sys
    import shutil
    import numpy

import pdb

[docs]class Model(object): """ Representation of a well mixed biochemical model. Contains reactions, parameters, species, etc. """ def __init__(self, name="", volume=1.0): """ Create an empty model. """ # The name that the model is referenced by (should be a String) = name # Optional decription of the model (string) self.annotation = "" # Dictionaries with Species, Reactions and Parameter objects. # Species,Reactio and Paramter names are used as keys. self.listOfParameters = OrderedDict() self.listOfSpecies = OrderedDict() self.listOfReactions = OrderedDict() # This defines the unit system at work for all numbers in the model # It should be a logical error to leave this undefined, subclasses should set it self.units = "population" self.volume = volume self.add_parameter(Parameter(name='vol', expression=volume)) # Dict that holds flattended parameters and species for # evaluation of expressions in the scope of the model. self.namespace = OrderedDict([])
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serializes a Model object to valid StochML. """ self.resolve_parameters() doc = StochMLDocument().from_model(self) return doc.to_string()
[docs] def update_namespace(self): """ Create a dict with flattened parameter and species objects. """ for param in self.listOfParameters: self.namespace[param]=self.listOfParameters[param].value # Dictionary of expressions that can be evaluated in the scope of this # model. self.expressions = {}
[docs] def get_species(self, sname): return self.listOfSpecies[sname]
[docs] def get_all_species(self): return self.listOfSpecies
[docs] def add_species(self, obj): """ Add a species to listOfSpecies. Accepts input either as a single Species object, or as a list of Species objects. """ if isinstance(obj, Species): if in self.listOfSpecies: raise ModelError("Can't add species. A species with that \ name alredy exisits.") self.listOfSpecies[] = obj; else: # obj is a list of species for S in obj: if in self.listOfSpecies: raise ModelError("Can't add species. A species with that \ name alredy exisits.") self.listOfSpecies[] = S;
[docs] def delete_species(self, obj): self.listOfSpecies.pop(obj)
[docs] def delete_all_species(self): self.listOfSpecies.clear()
[docs] def set_units(self, units): if units.lower() == 'concentration' or units.lower() == 'population': self.units = units.lower() else: raise Exception("units must be either concentration or \ population (case insensitive)")
[docs] def get_parameter(self,pname): try: return self.listOfParameters[pname] except: raise ModelError("No parameter named "+pname)
[docs] def get_all_parameters(self): return self.listOfParameters
[docs] def add_parameter(self,params): """ Add Paramter(s) to listOfParamters. Input can be either a single paramter object or a list of Parameters. """ # TODO, make sure that you don't overwrite an existing parameter?? if type(params).__name__=='list': for p in params: self.listOfParameters[] = p else: if type(params).__name__=='instance': self.listOfParameters[] = params else: raise
[docs] def delete_parameter(self, obj): self.listOfParameters.pop(obj)
[docs] def set_parameter(self,pname,expression): """ Set the expression of an existing paramter. """ p = self.listOfParameters[pname] p.expression = expression p.evaluate()
[docs] def resolve_parameters(self): """ Attempt to resolve all parameter expressions to scalar floats. This methods must be called before exporting the model. """ self.update_namespace() for param in self.listOfParameters: try: self.listOfParameters[param].evaluate(self.namespace) except: raise ParameterError("Could not resolve Parameter expression " + param + "to a scalar value.")
[docs] def delete_all_parameters(self): self.listOfParameters.clear()
[docs] def add_reaction(self,reacs): """ Add reactions to model. Input can be single instance, a list of instances or a dict with name,instance pairs. """ # TODO, make sure that you cannot overwrite an existing parameter param_type = type(reacs).__name__ if param_type == 'list': for r in reacs: self.listOfReactions[] = r elif param_type == 'dict' or param_type == 'OrderedDict': self.listOfReactions = reacs elif param_type == 'instance': self.listOfReactions[] = reacs else: raise
[docs] def get_reaction(self, rname): return self.listOfReactions[rname]
[docs] def get_all_reactions(self): return self.listOfReactions
[docs] def delete_reaction(self, obj): self.listOfReactions.pop(obj)
[docs] def delete_all_reactions(self): self.listOfReactions.clear()
[docs]class Species(): """ Chemical species. """ def __init__(self,name="",initial_value=0): # A species has a name (string) and an initial value (positive integer) = name self.initial_value = initial_value assert self.initial_value >= 0, "A species initial value has to \ be a positive number."
[docs]class Parameter(): """ A parameter can be given as an expression (function) or directly as a value (scalar). If given an expression, it should be understood as evaluable in the namespace of a parent Model. """ def __init__(self,name="",expression=None,value=None): = name # We allow expression to be passed in as a non-string type. Invalid strings # will be caught below. It is perfectly fine to give a scalar value as the expression. # This can then be evaluated in an empty namespace to the scalar value. self.expression = expression if expression != None: self.expression = str(expression) self.value = value # self.value is allowed to be None, but not self.expression. self.value # might not be evaluable in the namespace of this parameter, but defined # in the context of a model or reaction. if self.expression == None: raise TypeError if self.value == None: self.evaluate()
[docs] def evaluate(self,namespace={}): """ Evaluate the expression and return the (scalar) value """ try: self.value = (float(eval(self.expression, namespace))) except: self.value = None
[docs] def set_expression(self,expression): self.expression = expression # We allow expression to be passed in as a non-string type. Invalid # strings will be caught below. It is perfectly fine to give a scalar # value as the expression. This can then be evaluated in an empty # namespace to the scalar value. if expression != None: self.expression = str(expression) if self.expression == None: raise TypeError self.evaluate()
[docs]class Reaction(): """ Models a single reaction. A reaction has its own dictinaries of species (reactants and products) and parameters. The reaction's propensity function needs to be evaluable (and result in a non-negative scalar value) in the namespace defined by the union of those dicts. """ def __init__(self, name = "", reactants = {}, products = {}, propensity_function = None, massaction = False, rate=None, annotation=None): """ Initializes the reaction using short-hand notation. Input: name: string that the model is referenced by parameters: a list of parameter instances propensity_function: string with the expression for the reaction's propensity reactants: List of (species,stoiciometry) tuples product: List of (species,stoiciometry) tuples annotation: Description of the reaction (meta) massaction True,{False} is the reaction of mass action type or not? rate if mass action, rate is a paramter instance. Raises: ReactionError """ # Metadata = name self.annotation = "" if rate is None and propensity_function is None: raise ReactionError("You must specify either a mass-action rate or a propensity function") # We might use this flag in the future to automatically generate # the propensity function if set to True. if propensity_function is not None: self.massaction = False else: self.massaction = True self.propensity_function = propensity_function if self.propensity_function is not None and self.massaction: errmsg = "Reaction " +" You cannot set the propensity type to mass-action and simultaneously set a propensity function." raise ReactionError(errmsg) self.reactants = {} for r in reactants: rtype = type(r).__name__ if rtype=='instance': self.reactants[] = reactants[r] else: self.reactants[r]=reactants[r] self.products = {} for p in products: rtype = type(p).__name__ if rtype=='instance': self.products[] = products[p] else: self.products[p]=products[p] if self.massaction: self.type = "mass-action" if rate is None: raise ReactionError("Reaction : A mass-action propensity has\ to have a rate.") self.marate = rate self.create_mass_action() else: self.type = "customized"
[docs] def create_mass_action(self): """ Create a mass action propensity function given self.reactants and a single parameter value. """ # We support zeroth, first and second order propensities only. # There is no theoretical justification for higher order propensities. # Users can still create such propensities if they really want to, # but should then use a custom propensity. total_stoch=0 for r in self.reactants: total_stoch+=self.reactants[r] if total_stoch>2: raise ReactionError("Reaction: A mass-action reaction cannot \ involve more than two of one species or one of two species.") # Case EmptySet -> Y propensity_function =; # There are only three ways to get 'total_stoch==2': for r in self.reactants: # Case 1: 2X -> Y if self.reactants[r] == 2: propensity_function = ("0.5*" +propensity_function+ "*"+r+"*("+r+"-1)") else: # Case 3: X1, X2 -> Y; propensity_function += "*"+r # Set the volume dependency based on order. order = len(self.reactants) if order == 2: propensity_function += "/vol" elif order == 0: propensity_function += "*vol" self.propensity_function = propensity_function
[docs] def setType(self,type): if type.lower() not in {'mass-action','customized'}: raise ReactionError("Invalid reaction type.") self.type = type.lower() self.massaction = False if self.type == 'customized' else True
[docs] def addReactant(self,S,stoichiometry): if stoichiometry <= 0: raise ReactionError("Reaction Stoichiometry must be a \ positive integer.") self.reactants[]=stoichiometry
[docs] def addProduct(self,S,stoichiometry): self.products[]=stoichiometry
[docs] def Annotate(self,annotation): self.annotation = annotation # Module exceptions
[docs]class ModelError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SpeciesError(ModelError): pass
[docs]class ReactionError(ModelError): pass
[docs]class ParameterError(ModelError): pass
[docs]class SimuliationError(Exception): pass
[docs]class StochMLDocument(): """ Serializiation and deserialization of a Model to/from the native StochKit2 XML format. """ def __init__(self): # The root element self.document = etree.Element("Model") @classmethod
[docs] def from_model(cls,model): """ Creates an StochKit XML document from an exisiting Mdoel object. This method assumes that all the parameters in the model are already resolved to scalar floats (see Model.resolveParamters). Note, this method is intended to be used interanally by the models 'serialization' function, which performs additional operations and tests on the model prior to writing out the XML file. You should NOT do document = StochMLDocument.fromModel(model) print document.toString() you SHOULD do print model.serialize() """ # Description md = cls() d = etree.Element('Description') # if model.units.lower() == "concentration": d.set('units', model.units.lower()) d.text = model.annotation md.document.append(d) # Number of Reactions nr = etree.Element('NumberOfReactions') nr.text = str(len(model.listOfReactions)) md.document.append(nr) # Number of Species ns = etree.Element('NumberOfSpecies') ns.text = str(len(model.listOfSpecies)) md.document.append(ns) # Species spec = etree.Element('SpeciesList') for sname in model.listOfSpecies: spec.append(md.species_to_element(model.listOfSpecies[sname])) md.document.append(spec) # Parameters params = etree.Element('ParametersList') for pname in model.listOfParameters: params.append(md.parameter_to_element( model.listOfParameters[pname])) #if model.volume != None and model.units == "population": # params.append(md.species_to_element(model.volume)) md.document.append(params) # Reactions reacs = etree.Element('ReactionsList') for rname in model.listOfReactions: reacs.append(md.reaction_to_element(model.listOfReactions[rname])) md.document.append(reacs) return md
[docs] def from_file(cls,filepath): """ Intializes the document from an exisiting native StochKit XML file read from disk. """ tree = etree.parse(filepath) root = tree.getroot() md = cls() md.document = root return md
[docs] def from_string(cls,string): """ Intializes the document from an exisiting native StochKit XML file read from disk. """ root = etree.fromString(string) md = cls() md.document = root return md
[docs] def to_model(self,name): """ Instantiates a Model object from a StochMLDocument. """ # Empty model model = Model(name=name) root = self.document # Try to set name from document if is "": name = root.find('Name') if name.text is None: raise else: = name.text # Set annotiation ann = root.find('Description') if ann is not None: units = ann.get('units') if units: units = units.strip().lower() if units == "concentration": model.units = "concentration" elif units == "population": model.units = "population" else: # Default model.units = "population" if ann.text is None: model.annotation = "" else: model.annotation = ann.text # Set units units = root.find('Units') if units is not None: if units.text.strip().lower() == "concentration": model.units = "concentration" elif units.text.strip().lower() == "population": model.units = "population" else: # Default model.units = "population" # Create parameters for px in root.iter('Parameter'): name = px.find('Id').text expr = px.find('Expression').text if name.lower() == 'volume': model.volume = expr else: p = Parameter(name,expression=expr) # Try to evaluate the expression in the empty namespace # (if the expr is a scalar value) p.evaluate() model.add_parameter(p) # Create species for spec in root.iter('Species'): name = spec.find('Id').text val = spec.find('InitialPopulation').text s = Species(name,initial_value = float(val)) model.add_species([s]) # The namespace_propensity for evaluating the propensity function # for reactions must contain all the species and parameters. namespace_propensity = OrderedDict() all_species = model.get_all_species() all_parameters = model.get_all_parameters() for param in all_species: namespace_propensity[param] = all_species[param].initial_value for param in all_parameters: namespace_propensity[param] = all_parameters[param].value # Create reactions for reac in root.iter('Reaction'): try: name = reac.find('Id').text except: raise InvalidStochMLError("Reaction has no name.") reaction = Reaction(name=name,reactants={},products={}) # Type may be 'mass-action','customized' try: type = reac.find('Type').text except: raise InvalidStochMLError("No reaction type specified.") reactants = reac.find('Reactants') try: for ss in reactants.iter('SpeciesReference'): specname = ss.get('id') # The stochiometry should be an integer value, but some # exising StoxhKit models have them as floats. This is # why we need the slightly odd conversion below. stoch = int(float(ss.get('stoichiometry'))) # Select a reference to species with name specname sref = model.listOfSpecies[specname] try: # The sref list should only contain one element if # the XML file is valid. reaction.reactants[specname] = stoch except Exception,e: StochMLImportError(e) except: # Yes, this is correct. 'reactants' can be None pass products = reac.find('Products') try: for ss in products.iter('SpeciesReference'): specname = ss.get('id') stoch = int(float(ss.get('stoichiometry'))) sref = model.listOfSpecies[specname] try: # The sref list should only contain one element if # the XML file is valid. reaction.products[specname] = stoch except Exception,e: raise StochMLImportError(e) except: # Yes, this is correct. 'products' can be None pass if type == 'mass-action': reaction.massaction = True reaction.type = 'mass-action' # If it is mass-action, a parameter reference is needed. # This has to be a reference to a species instance. We # explicitly disallow a scalar value to be passed as the # parameter. try: ratename=reac.find('Rate').text try: reaction.marate = model.listOfParameters[ratename] except KeyError, k: # No paramter name is given. This is a valid use case # in StochKit. We generate a name for the paramter, # and create a new parameter instance. The parameter's # value should now be found in 'ratename'. generated_rate_name = "Reaction_" + name + \ "_rate_constant" p = Parameter(name=generated_rate_name, expression=ratename) # Try to evaluate the parameter to set its value p.evaluate() model.add_parameter(p) reaction.marate = model.listOfParameters[ generated_rate_name] reaction.create_mass_action() except Exception, e: raise elif type == 'customized': try: propfunc = reac.find('PropensityFunction').text except Exception,e: raise InvalidStochMLError("Found a customized " + "propensity function, but no expression was given."+e) reaction.propensity_function = propfunc else: raise InvalidStochMLError( "Unsupported or no reaction type given for reaction" + name) model.add_reaction(reaction) return model
[docs] def to_string(self): """ Returns the document as a string. """ try: return etree.tostring(self.document, pretty_print=True) except: # Hack to print pretty xml without pretty-print # (requires the lxml module). doc = etree.tostring(self.document) xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(doc) uglyXml = xmldoc.toprettyxml(indent=' ') text_re = re.compile(">\n\s+([^<>\s].*?)\n\s+</", re.DOTALL) prettyXml = text_re.sub(">\g<1></", uglyXml) return prettyXml
[docs] def species_to_element(self,S): e = etree.Element('Species') idElement = etree.Element('Id') idElement.text = e.append(idElement) if hasattr(S, 'description'): descriptionElement = etree.Element('Description') descriptionElement.text = S.description e.append(descriptionElement) initialPopulationElement = etree.Element('InitialPopulation') initialPopulationElement.text = str(S.initial_value) e.append(initialPopulationElement) return e
[docs] def parameter_to_element(self,P): e = etree.Element('Parameter') idElement = etree.Element('Id') idElement.text = e.append(idElement) expressionElement = etree.Element('Expression') expressionElement.text = str(P.value) e.append(expressionElement) return e
[docs] def reaction_to_element(self,R): e = etree.Element('Reaction') idElement = etree.Element('Id') idElement.text = e.append(idElement) try: descriptionElement = etree.Element('Description') descriptionElement.text = self.annotation e.append(descriptionElement) except: pass try: typeElement = etree.Element('Type') typeElement.text = R.type e.append(typeElement) except: pass # StochKit2 wants a rate for mass-action propensites if R.massaction: try: rateElement = etree.Element('Rate') # A mass-action reactions should only have one parameter rateElement.text = e.append(rateElement) except: pass else: #try: functionElement = etree.Element('PropensityFunction') functionElement.text = R.propensity_function e.append(functionElement) #except: # pass reactants = etree.Element('Reactants') for reactant, stoichiometry in R.reactants.items(): srElement = etree.Element('SpeciesReference') srElement.set('id', reactant) srElement.set('stoichiometry', str(stoichiometry)) reactants.append(srElement) e.append(reactants) products = etree.Element('Products') for product, stoichiometry in R.products.items(): srElement = etree.Element('SpeciesReference') srElement.set('id', product) srElement.set('stoichiometry', str(stoichiometry)) products.append(srElement) e.append(products) return e
[docs]class StochKitTrajectory(): """ A StochKitTrajectory is a numpy ndarray. The first column is the time points in the timeseries, followed by species copy numbers. """ def __init__(self,data=None,id=None): # String identifier = id # Matrix with copy number data. = data [self.tlen,self.ns] = np.shape(data);
[docs]class StochKitEnsemble(): """ A stochKit ensemble is a collection of StochKitTrajectories, all sharing a common set of metadata (generated from the same model instance). """ def __init__(self,id=None,trajectories=None,parentmodel=None): # String identifier = id; # Trajectory data self.trajectories = trajectories # Metadata self.parentmodel = parentmodel dims = np.shape(self.trajectories) self.number_of_trajectories = dims[0] self.tlen = dims[1] self.number_of_species = dims[2]
[docs] def add_trajectory(self,trajectory): self.trajectories.append(trajectory)
[docs] def dump(self, filename, type="mat"): """ Serialize to a binary data file in a matrix format. Supported formats are HDF5 (requires h5py), .MAT (for Matlab V. <= 7.2, requires SciPy). Matlab V > 7.3 uses HDF5 as it's base format for .mat files. """ if type == "mat": # Write to Matlab format. filename = filename # Build a struct that contains some metadata and the trajectories ensemble = {'trajectories':self.trajectories, 'species_names':self.parentmodel.listOfSpecies, 'model_parameters':self.parentmodel.listOfParameters, 'number_of_species':self.number_of_species, 'number_of_trajectories':self.number_of_trajectories} spio.savemat(filename,{},oned_as="column") elif type == "hdf5": print "Not supported yet."
[docs]class StochKitOutputCollection(): """ A collection of StochKit Ensembles, not necessarily generated from a common model instance (i.e. they do not necessarly have the same metadata). This datastructure can be useful to store e.g. data from parameter sweeps, or simply an ensemble of ensembles. AH: Something like a PyTables object would be very useful here, if working in a Python environment. """ def __init__(self,collection=[]): self.collection = collection
[docs] def add_ensemble(self,ensemble): self.collection.append(ensemble)
[docs]class GillesPySolver(): ''' abstract class for simulation methods ''' @classmethod
[docs] def run(cls, model, t=20, number_of_trajectories=10, increment=0.05, seed=None, stochkit_home=None, algorithm=None, job_id=None): """ Call out and run the solver. Collect the results. """ if algorithm is None: raise SimuliationError("No algorithm selected") # We write all StochKit input and output files to a temporary folder prefix_basedir = tempfile.mkdtemp() prefix_outdir = os.path.join(prefix_basedir, 'output') os.mkdir(os.path.join(prefix_basedir, 'output')) if job_id is None: job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Write a temporary StochKit2 input file. if isinstance(model, Model): outfile = os.path.join(prefix_basedir, "temp_input_"+job_id+".xml") mfhandle = open(outfile, 'w') document = StochMLDocument.from_model(model) # If the model is a Model instance, we serialize it to XML, # and if it is an XML file, we just make a copy. if isinstance(model, Model): document = model.serialize() mfhandle.write(document) mfhandle.close() elif isinstance(model, str): outfile = model # Assemble argument list for StochKit ensemblename = job_id directories = os.listdir(prefix_outdir) outdir = prefix_outdir+'/'+ensemblename print 'outdir',outdir realizations = number_of_trajectories if increment == None: increment = t/10; if seed is None: seed = 0 # Algorithm, SSA or Tau-leaping? executable = None if stochkit_home is not None: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(stochkit_home, algorithm)): executable = os.path.join(stochkit_home, algorithm) else: raise SimuliationError("stochkit executable '{0}' not found \ stochkit_home={1}".format(algorithm, stochkit_home)) elif os.environ.get('STOCHKIT_HOME') is not None: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.environ.get('STOCHKIT_HOME'), algorithm)): executable = os.path.join(os.environ.get('STOCHKIT_HOME'), algorithm) if executable is None: # try to find the executable in the path if os.environ.get('PATH') is not None: for dir in os.environ.get('PATH').split(':'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, algorithm)): executable = os.path.join(dir, algorithm) break if executable is None: raise SimuliationError("stochkit executable '{0}' not found. \ Make sure it is your path, or set STOCHKIT_HOME envronment \ variable'".format(algorithm)) # Assemble the argument list args = '' args += '--model ' args += outfile args += ' --out-dir '+outdir args += ' -t ' args += str(t) num_output_points = str(int(float(t/increment))) args += ' -i ' + num_output_points args += ' --realizations ' args += str(realizations) if ensemblename in directories: print 'Ensemble '+ensemblename+' already existed, using --force.' args+=' --force' # Only use on processor per StochKit job. args += ' -p 1' # We keep all the trajectories by default. args += ' --keep-trajectories' args += ' --seed ' args += str(seed) # If we are using local mode, shell out and run StochKit # (SSA or Tau-leaping) cmd = executable+' '+args # Execute try: handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' ')) return_code = handle.wait() if return_code != 0: raise SimuliationError("Solver execution failed: \ '{0}'".format(cmd)) except OSError as e: raise SimuliationError("Solver execution failed: \ {0}\n{1}".format(cmd, e)) # Collect all the output data files = os.listdir(outdir + '/stats') trajectories = [] files = os.listdir(outdir + '/trajectories') for filename in files: if 'trajectory' in filename: trajectories.append(numpy.loadtxt(outdir + '/trajectories/' + filename)) else: raise SimuliationError("Couldn't identify file '{0}' found in \ output folder".format(filename)) # Clean up shutil.rmtree(prefix_basedir) return trajectories
[docs]class StochKitSolver(GillesPySolver): ''' Solver class to simulate Stochasticly with StockKit. ''' @classmethod
[docs] def run(cls, model, t=20, number_of_trajectories=10, increment=0.05, seed=None, stochkit_home=None, algorithm='ssa', job_id=None): return,t, number_of_trajectories, increment, seed, stochkit_home, algorithm, job_id)
[docs]class StochKitODESolver(GillesPySolver): ''' Solver class to simulate Stochasticly with StockKit. ''' @classmethod
[docs] def run(cls, model, t=20, number_of_trajectories=10, increment=0.05, seed=None, stochkit_home=None, algorithm='', job_id=None): return,t, number_of_trajectories, increment, seed, stochkit_home, algorithm, job_id) # Exceptions
[docs]class StochMLImportError(Exception): pass
[docs]class InvalidStochMLError(Exception): pass # # #
if __name__ == '__main__': """ Here, as a test case, we run a simple two-state oscillator (Novak & Tyson 2008) as an example of a stochastic reaction system. """ from matplotlib import gridspec plt.figure(figsize=(3.5*2*3/4,2.62*3/4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax0.plot(tyson_trajectories[0][:,0], tyson_trajectories[0][:,1], label='X') ax0.plot(tyson_trajectories[0][:,0], tyson_trajectories[0][:,2], label='Y') ax0.legend() ax0.set_xlabel('Time') ax0.set_ylabel('Species Count') ax0.set_title('Time Series Oscillation') ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax1.plot(tyson_trajectories[1][:,1], tyson_trajectories[0][:,2], 'k') ax1.set_xlabel('X') ax1.set_ylabel('Y') ax1.set_title('Phase-Space Plot') plt.tight_layout()